If you are searching for the right place and option to provide your elderly loved ones with the care, support, and assistance they need in their day-to-day lives, then you probably would have already come across or considered assisted living facilities.
If you are unsure on what to decide and are not very much familiar with what assisted living covers and consists, and how it differs from other types of senior care services, then we will help you learn more about it. Here is a list of things you need to—and may not—know about assisted living:
- Each Community Is Unique, Providing Plenty of Choices
The look, feel, and overall environment of assisted living communities vary from one to the other. Some communities have a more traditional, formal design, while others have a more home-like, cozy ambiance. This gives plenty of options for you and your senior loved ones and allows you to decide on which one is the best based on your loved one’s preferences and lifestyle.
- Assisted Living Provides Different Types and Levels of Care
Although assisted living, in general, is regulated in all states with the basic rules and protocols, there isn’t really one nationwide handbook or definition of assisted living. This is because the services provided vary from one community to the other, and depending on the unique needs of the residents. Some communities offer only light care, while others are able to provide care for bedridden patients.
- Assisted Living Communities Are NOT the Same as Nursing Homes
Many families often place their loved ones in a nursing home when they enter their senior years and would require special care and assistance. What you don’t know is that assisted living may at often times be more suitable for your senior loved ones. While patients requiring constant medical attention would have to be placed in a nursing home, mobile and mainly independent seniors who only need assistance in day-to-day activities would be happier in an assisted living community where they can live their lives comfortably in a home-like environment.
- Furry Friends Can Come, Too!
A lot of assisted living communities allow pets, with some even having Pet Coordinators to provide special care and attention to the residents’ furry companions. It’s important, however, to inquire in advance as to the community’s rules and protocol regarding pets if ever your elderly loved one would need to bring their furry friend along.
Nu-Life Assisted Living, Inc. is an assisted living facility in Silver Spring, Maryland. We make the decision of choosing assisted living easy, by providing a safe, comfortable, and convenient home for your loved ones.
We understand that promoting their independence and encouraging the pursuance of their interests are key to making seniors happy, which is why we strive to provide only quality residential care in Maryland to make your loved ones truly feel at home. Share this post to encourage a friend about assisted living services.